Category: Uncategorised


Asthma pathfinder project highly commended nationally

Congratulations to the asthma pathfinder team which was highly commended in the Data-Driven Transformation Award at the 2023 HSJ Awards […]

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November Round Up

The best way to demonstrate how data is improving the lives of Londoners has been decided this month. Discussions took […]

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September Round Up

Work is continuing on building the Secure Data Environment for London. At the latest London Health Data Strategy Programme Stakeholder […]

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Unknown red-bearded doctor and patient woman discussing current health examination while sitting and using tablet computer in clinic, close-up. Medicine concept.

LHDS monthly update

National funding has been confirmed to build the technical structure needed for a secure data environment (SDE) in London. The […]

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What does it take to make a whole population healthy?

Mark Agathangelou, one of the citizen representatives on the Independent Information Access Group for London takes a look at what […]

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If we want a sporting chance of using data to make insightful decisions in healthcare, how do we ensure it’s of the best quality?

James Friend, Programme Director for the London Health Data Strategy, reflects on how sport can show us the importance of […]

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What do we mean when we talk about ‘the Architecture’ for the London Health Data Strategy?

Gary McAllister, Chief Technology Officer at our colleagues OneLondon attempts to simplify some of the terms used for this important […]

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Independent public and clinical representatives have recommended four data projects for London health systems to consider.

The latest LHDS Programme Delivery Board this month (May 2023) heard how members of the Independent Information Access Group, which […]

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How do we make talking about health and care data as easy as ABC?

James Friend, Programme Director for the London Health Data Strategy, responds to the latest report to show the importance of […]

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A female doctor in a ward analyses a computer database.

Learnings from the childhood vaccination pathfinder published

A programme looking at childhood vaccinations, which was supported by the London Health Data Strategy, has published learnings on the BMJ Open. The […]

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A health specialist holds a large hand-held device to look for information to help with patient care.

Funding awarded to London organisations to improve use of data for research

A London-wide application to create a Secure Data Environment (SDE) which will use data to improve research capabilities in the […]

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A male researcher in a research centre, analyses and reviews patient details on a hand-held electronic device.

Data at Scale Improvement Projects – Update

NHS organisations, academia and the healthcare industry can continue applying to lead non grant funded Data at Scale Improvement Projects […]

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